Why Get an Annual Boat Service?
If you own a motorboat and enjoy using it, then it can be tempting to forego annual boat servicing costs. After all, your boat may be in reasonable condition already, and you might want to economise by putting off your services for longer periods, such as every two years, for example. However, this can be a false economy and end up getting you into even more bother when you are out on the waves. Why is it important to see boat servicing as an investment rather than an unnecessary part of your annual boating expenditure?
Pick Up Faults Early
Just like having a car serviced, a boat service is there to deal with minor problems before they become bigger ones. If you are able to deal with a component before it breaks down by repairing or replacing it, then it is much less likely that you will suffer a costly breakdown when out at sea. Of course, reducing the risk of a mechanical breakdown is one thing, but an experienced boat mechanic will also be able to service your vessel so that the amount you need to spend on parts in the long term is reduced simply because problems are picked up earlier than they otherwise would be.
Stay Safe at Sea
If you have bought a pleasure-craft, then the likelihood is that you will be taking friends and family out on it with you. This means that you really need to make sure that your boat is safe and in keeping with all of the relevant regulations. Of course, forgoing an annual service will mean that you are never a hundred percent sure whether or not your boat is in a safe condition for outings. Therefore, investing in proper boat servicing is really about making sure that you and your passengers remain safe.
Maintain Your Boat's Value
If you have your boat serviced regularly, then its resale value will be augmented. Any potential buyer will want to see that you have looked after your craft properly, and a record of its yearly servicing will go along way to help you get the best price for it. Even if you have no intention of selling your boat, an annual service will mean that its lifetime is extended. In other words, you won't have to replace it any time in the near future which means that, in the long run, you end up saving money.